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Fruits you might get in Brazil

Brazil is a country known worldwide by its rich biodiversity, which can be perceived in the huge variety of Brazilian fruits. Find out which exotic fruits you will find here.

The country is divided into five regionsand each one of them present different climates, soils and rainfall indexes allowing for the existence of an enormous variety of these products. The diversity of fruits and the existence of some of them in only specific areas of the country made some of them unknown to Brazilians as well. Being a tropical country, Brazil has sun and rain throughout the whole year, which means that the production of these products aren’t affected by the weather and can occur throughout the year. That’s why the consumption of fruits for breakfast, the consumption of natural fruit juices and the consumption of these products as deserts is so common in the country.


Known in most places as Ananás, this Brazilian fruit received a special name inPortuguese: Abacaxi. Abacaxi is an old tropical fruit derived from the South America and consumed by its natives even after the country discovery. Being a very tasty fruit and rich in nutrients, this Brazilian fruit is largely consumed by the population.

can be consumed natural or processed, in the form of slices or pieces in syrup, crystallized pieces, pass, juice, jam, liquor, fermented drink, vinegar and brandy. However, the main products are the slices or pieces in syrup, called the Abacaxi juice.

With the juice, people can prepare soft drinks, ice creams, creams, candies and cakes. Abacaxi juice contains about 12% of sugar and 1% of organic acids (mainly citric acid), is considered a good source of vitamins A and B1, as well as a reasonable source of vitamin C4.


Açaí is a fruit derived from the North region of Brazil and can be found in the Amazonian rain forest. It's similar to a berry fruit used to make fruit bowls, smoothies and ice cream. Açaí has a very strong taste and that's why people love it or hate it. Even being very caloric, Açaí is not only very popular and consumed a lot, it's also a very healthy fruit.

Brazilians appreciate Açaí so much, that some commercial establishmentsstarted to open in the country with the only purpose of selling desserts, beverages and sweets made of Açaí. These places usually offered gourmet versions of fruits bowls, smoothies or ice cream with Açaí or of Açaí.


Caju is a curious fruit, because it is composed of two parts that generate two different products: the fruit caju and the castanha de caju (cashew nuts). Both are consumed a lot by Brazilians and are responsible for the production or composition of many Brazilian dishes or deserts.

For example, with the fruit it’s possible to make juice, honey, deserts andrapaduras (a traditional Brazilian candy made with sugar). Since the juice of the fruit quickly starts to ferment, caju can be also distilled for the production of brandy.

The caju nuts salted is very popular as an appetizer not only in Brazil, but in other countries too. The nuts can be also be part of rice recipes, by mixing both and serving the rice. For sweets, cashew nuts are used as chocolate bonbons stuffing and in the composition of desserts and candies (like the cushew nutpavé and a candy served in birthday parties with brigadeiros, named cajuzinho, made of condensed milk).


The tree that produce Cupuaçu is named cupuçuazeiro and can achieve a height of 15 meters, most have no clue that this fruit finds has its origins in Amazonian rain forest. It has a dark-brown color, almost black, but inside of the fruit besides the seeds, a white pulp can be found.

The pulp has a very interesting taste, a little bit acid, but very appreciated by Brazilians being used to make juices, ice creams, jams, wines and liqueurs. You can also find protein bars made of cupuaçu in Brazilian markets and drugstores, because the fruit not only tastes good, but also is rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins.


The Brazilian fruit Goiaba has high nutritional value, like vitamin A, B1, C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and soluble fiber. The fruit presents different shapes: could be yellow or green depending on the maturation of the fruit and the pulp might be white, pink or red. There are approximately 2,800 species of Goiaba in the world, being 130 of them originated in America.

All species can be consumed in its natural form, can be used for the production of juices, jam and a very famous Brazilian dessert named Goiabada, that has a taste similar to the jam, but in a more consistent form. The Goiabada is usually consumed together with Queijo Branco, a type of cheese produced in Minas Gerais.


The Jabuticaba is a Brazilian fruit native from the Atlantic Forest, it can be found in the states of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Pará, Rio Grande do Sul and Goiás. The fruit can also be found in parts of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Jabuticaba has a rounded shape and a dark purple color. Its white pulp has some very few seeds and is greatly appreciated by Brazilians due to its sweet flavor.

The fruit is adapted to the tropical and humid subtropical climate, found both in regions with low average temperatures, such as Rio Grande do Sul, as in warmer regions such as in Pará. Jabuticaba is used in the production of various products like wines, juices, jams, liqueurs and vinegar.


The fruit is mostly recognized by the name of passion fruit in other countries, bt in Brazil, in it original land, the fruit is named as Maracujá. The fruit is so famous in the country that is one of the most cultivated species and marketed in Brazil, in its both forms: processed or for consumption in nature. The Maracujá juice is so appreciated by Brazilians that represents at least 90% of the consumer market of juices in the country.

Brazil is the largest exporter of Maracujá juice in the world. This product is marketed primarily as full or concentrated juice, which can be also sold frozen. Maracujá can also be used to produce beverages, like wine, liquor and batidas (a type of Brazilian beverage made with a fruit, condensed milk and cachaça, rum or vodka). Dairy products are also produced with Maracujá, such as ice cream and yogurt. Jelly, cakes, mousses, fillings and others.

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